Monday 12 December 2011

Detox with the Infrared Dome

Tis' the season for drinking, eating and being merry. However with all that indulgence comes a few extra pounds. I always like to get a headstart on the new year detox and prepare a few weeks early. There is no reason why you can't enjoy yourself and get a headstart so over the next day I am posting some detox posts to get ready for all that Turkey and Yorshire Puddings. Yummy. Enough of that.... The latest technology to help you detox is the Infrared Dome, also known as Iyashi Dome.

What does it do? I am glad you asked. Simply put, you lie on a wooden bed and the Dome covers you from the face down and it uses infrared rays to penetrate and heat the body creating a a loss of up to 600 kilocalories for every half hour session. Benefits include weight loss, detoxification, stress release and a kickstart to the metabolism. Do you know how long I have waited for something like this to come out? You sit back and the calories literally drain away from you? This was to good to be true. I had to try.

The Iyashi Dome itself

So a few weeks ago I set out to test this little baby out. The lady on reception was very welcoming and explained the whole process and what to expect. So you get underneath the dome, in your birthday suit or with some disposable undies. The heat starts off gently and I felt quite relaxed. Then the heat kept rising and rising. Baking is not the word. The heat works by penetrating 40mm deep under the skin for a deep, purifying cleanse. The treatment last 30 minutes and 20 minutes I was dripping in sweat. You are front at first then you turn on your back for the last 15 minutes. You have access to water and believe me you will need it. In the last few minutes, it really becomes tough, but not unbearable. The lady told me that at this point, the amount of calories being burnt is comparable to that of 20km run without the sore thighs afterwards. Wow!

After your 30 minutes are up, you have to stay lying down for a few minutes while you body cools down. A shower is not recommended immediately afterwards as you will lose 40% of the benefits. They do have wipes so you can freshen up. I felt absolutely amazing after my first sesssion. I was refreshed and felt rejuvenated. A lot of the weight loss comes from water so I lost only a little bit of weight but my metabolism feels a lot faster and the weight loss seems to have continued in to the weeks after so overall, I am very impressed.

Infrared Dome sessions are available from My Detox Diet and start from £55 so they do not cost the world. The best benefits come from multiple sessions so they have package deals for 2, 3, 5 and 10 sessions. They are below Alara health store and the nearest station is Russell Square in London. If you have session, tell me how it goes.

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